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Our Talking Points


Some of us were just discussing a diary about stereotyping. I sidetracked slightly and responded into one my favorite themes...which is how and why progressives are fighting an uphill battle, mostly because we refuse to learn the language of persuasion.


How could things possibly change when you have right-wing radio hosts spewing "how to be a racist" talking points that are then transformed into dog-whistle phrases that perpetuate reasons for hate?

Progressives and liberals can tell everyone that stereotyping is wrong all day long and never dent the bubble that the lazy thinker puts himself in.

If you listen to Rush all morning then go home to FOX at night, you will hear at least one to three references to "those on the other side who want free stuff" nonsense.

Of course, we don't help ourselves, by never trying to understand that people aspire to and are attracted to "WINNERS". The fact that some on the left often like to call themselves "victims" doesn't help one bit.

They prefer the person that says, "Regardless, of the obstacles placed in front of me, I was and am determined to persevere". Respect is born when one stops complaining and just creates ACTION...regardless of the truth.

I debate right-wingers all day in between doing other things on my computer. I hear the same talking points they heard on Beck, Limbaugh etc...

It's usually me against five or six constipated conservatives. Why there are usually no other liberals fighting says a lot about the nature of our side and why we are always fighting an uphill battle against the dumbest political base in history.

There are just too many easy refutations that progressives refuse to memorize and use against the constant stream of "why should I pay for them?" rhetoric that the Southern Strategy created...AND is used till today.

Somewhere along the debate there is almost always the following line...usually towards the end when every other false argument has been debunked...

"You guys just want to take everyone else's hard earned money and give it to other people".

Well, being a good progressive, I like to keep my own stock of hyberbolic claims...but based on truth...

"The Republican Party is the greatest welfare machine on earth".

This is how one states a claim. Like it or not.

People need to hear this kind of rhetoric if it is to sink in.

I usually then state...

1. 15 to 20 TRILLION in off-shore tax evasion scheme WELFARE that causes YOU and I to pay 23% in taxes while Romney and friends pay 14%.

2. Billions in oil, gas and farm subsidy WELFARE

3. The military-industrial super bloated budget to campaign funders WELFARE.

4. The privatization scam, like prisons, where taxpayers must pay for empty cells and the added "tax" called PROFIT...aka WELFARE.

5. The Faith Based Initiative scheme GW Bush put in place that forces every US taxpayer to now fund churches. Pat Robertson took $500,000 in ONE year alone. WELFARE

6. Red states are known for taking much more in Federal money...aka WELFARE, than Blue states. Most poor taking welfare are white.

"At the top and bottom...the Republican elite and their uninformed voter base are the biggest WELFARE queens ON EARTH. And socialism for the rich is the GOP agenda".

At this point, they usually hit back with "Both parties stink"..."I was never a fan of GW Bush"..."I'm actually a libertarian".

These are cracks in the wall. We need more progressives on Twitter, Facebook and ALL social media keeping OUR talking points alive, LOUD and perpetually confronting the ignorant. Only then, might the other stereotypes begin to fade away over time.

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